Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daddy Long Legs

I just read the cutest book, Daddy Long Legs, by Jean Webster.  It is a quick read and I found the main character, Judy, so endearing.  The day I finished reading it I walked around all day with thoughts of Judy and wished there was a sequel!

(I did a longer post about it on kidculture if you're interested).


Carly said...

There IS a sequel!! It's called Dear Enemy and is from Sally''s point of view! I LOVE them both!

sara said...

I JUST finished reading both Daddy Long Legs and Dear Enemy this week! I love both books and it was my 2nd time reading them. So glad you liked Daddy Long Legs. You must get Dear Enemy!!!

Cass said...

Yea! I didn't know there was a sequel and I can't wait to check it out. Thanks!

Tasha said...

I seriously ADORE that book also. Carly introduced it to me probably 2-3 years ago. It is fabulous.